Phone: 250-724-1241

About Us

Board of Directors

Geoff Lindsay - Chair, Bamfield/Port Alberni (Fisheries)

Mary Dolen - Port Alberni (Small Business)

Jerry Linning - Port Alberni (Accounting)

Norm Donald - Port Alberni (Small Business)

Investment Committee Members

Geoff Lindsay - Bamfield/Port Alberni (Fisheries)

Mary Dolen - Port Alberni (Small Business)

Jerry Linning - Port Alberni (Accounting)

Norm Donald - Port Alberni (Small Business)

Become a Volunteer

If you are interested in serving as a volunteer on the Board of Directors, please contact us.


4757 Tebo Ave
Port Alberni, BC V9Y 8A9


Mon-Thurs: 8:30–4:30
Friday: By Appointment Only (Virtual)


We are a non-profit organization providing services and program supports to rural small and medium-sized business owners and entrepreneurs. Learn More

We respectfully acknowledge our place of work is within the traditional unceded territories of c̓išaaʔatḥ (Tseshaht) First Nation and Hupacasath First Nation.
